Take me away cause falling in love ain't very far
shut up and sit down

I'm loud and moody; can be fun and sucks at the same time.
I party till dawn,
I hangout till dusk.
That's coz...
I'm ME.
And a unique one too.

If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm lovin' it.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
scream your lungs

its easy to clap
Layout : materialisti-c
Wednesday, July 26, 200614:34
stress nih gua...
stlh berlibur ternyata bnyk masalah...
gua ga blh ujian susulan dooong...
bt bgt gua...tapi gua maksain aja ttp kuliah...sapa tau aja ada keajaiban gua bisa tiba2 lulus...tapi ya kalo masih ga lulus juga mah...ya udah aja lah...yg penting kan gua udah ada niat dl yaa...hehehehehe...*menghibur diri crtnya*

trus ahirnya gua kembali ngedance...mengejar ketertinggalan gua sebulan...dan gua ktinggalan 1 lagu...amit2...dan sekarang about 1 or 2 weeks to go, gua masih blm hapal gerakan 1 lagu itu...karena saya sibuk menhapal gerakan lagu yg laen...
tapi ttp aja rame sih...walo gua tau, pst si cici yg ngajar nya jg stress liat gerakan gua yg amburadul...(maap ya ci...)heheheeheh...


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"say goodbye"
Thursday, July 06, 200618:23
"Say Goodbye"

You don't know me
Like you knew me
You stopped listening
The moment that I needed you the most
You can't see me
Like you saw me
Truth comes easy
But it's hard for you to pull me from the ground

So I scream, scream cause it hurts
Your every word
Cuts me inside and leaves me worse
There's no way back
And what if there was
You'd still be you and
I'd still need to say goodbye

Maybe you don't Love me
Like I love you baby
Cause the broken in you doesn't make me run
There is beauty
In the dark side
I'm not frightened
Without it I could never feel the sun


Nothing will ever change no matter what you say
I'm still gonna be the same
The harder we try, the harder that we fight, can't get it right


Say goodbye.. Say goodbye.. Say goodbye

time to say good bye again in my love life...
pdhl kmrn in juga udah ya...

but since i know who's blocking my msn account...
keinginan untuk melupakan dia semakin kuat...
it's really over ternyata...
gua ga nyangka aja ternyata kenyataan nya begitu menyakitkan...
sangat menyakitkan malahan...

emang sih...
gua blom tau kebenarannya...
tapi ga tau knapa, gau yakin banget kl itu sangatlah benar...

dasar manusia aneh...
knapa sih dia ga bisa etrus terang aja gt k gua?
ga perlu mpe gini kali...

moral dari cerita dlm idup gua kali ini :
"truth is hurt, but lie can destroy anything in your life which is hurt most"


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"beautifully broken"
It seems like yesterday that my world fell from the sky
It seems like yesterday I didnt know how hard I could cry
It feels like tomorrow I may not get by
But I will try
I will try wipe the tears from my eyes

I'm beautifully broken and I don't mind if you know it
I'm beautifully broken and I don't care if I show it

Every day is a new day I'm reminded of my past
Everytime theres another storm I know that it wont last
Every moment I'm filled with hope
cause i get another chance
But I will try I will try
Got nothing left to hide


Without the highs and the lows
Where will we go?
Where will we go?


I am beautifully broken, I am beautifully broken
I am beautifully broken and I don't care if I show it


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