Take me away cause falling in love ain't very far
shut up and sit down

I'm loud and moody; can be fun and sucks at the same time.
I party till dawn,
I hangout till dusk.
That's coz...
I'm ME.
And a unique one too.

If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm lovin' it.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
scream your lungs

its easy to clap
Layout : materialisti-c
Friday, November 30, 201207:38

So a few week ago i had a new friend. And we talk about everything. Almost everything. And he said he think he fall for me. And he already got a gf. I bet there's something wrong with me. But hell, i dont give a damn about what he feels anyway. We've talked about that and no, we wont make it last anyway.
Then we talked about everything else. About whu i havent found my mr. Right yet. Why i havent choose any guy. And finally after i shared the story, he said, 'so i guess you wont find your man. Because you have to find your mom's picture of man.'
I shocked. But sadly, he's right.
And now i think, will i end up being alone?


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Did i do that again?
Tuesday, November 20, 201208:09

Oh no. What the hell is wrong with me? Always involved with the wrong person.


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Sunday, November 18, 201215:36

Sometimes i feel i'm appriciated more by the others than by you.


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Devoting all my life just for you is never enough. Letting go all of my dreams means nothing to you.
I'm zero to you. Always.


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You know what? The most great thing for you is just, I DIE.


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See? I'm always ZERO to you. ALWAYS.


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almost lover.
Saturday, November 10, 201223:03

So mom asked me again if there any guy that i felt something special with. And i actually know the answer is no. Tapi gua udah terlalu malas kalau sampe harus berdebat soal si cowo nerd yg dijodohkan. So there, i said yes there's one. And the person is you.
Gua bilang, iya ada yang deket tapi orangnya di italy. Jadi kalo mau sama dia saya hrs pindah ke sana.
And what surprised me was. Mom said, "it's ok if you have to move there. Kalau emang kamu suka, mama gak kenapa2..berdoa aja...kalau dia emanf jodo kamu pasti dkasi jalan.."
Too bad mom. Maybe we'll never be together. We're just not meant to each other.
The right man, at the wrong time.


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a little highschool crush.
Wednesday, November 07, 201221:07

Judul blog macam apa ini. Hahaha. Ini semu gara-gara tanggal 4 november kmarin tmn saya menikah. Dan d acaranya gua ketemu kecengan dari jaman smp. Hahaha. Gua selalu terpukau sama tinggi dan postur badannya yang tinggi kurus gitu. Terus sempet ga ngecengin lagi krn gua deket dan jadian sama temen mainnya.
Terus pas kemarem ketemu, he still take my breath away. *lebay* hahaha. Agak berisi sih sekarang. Tapi tetep tampan. Hahaha. Sayangnya sampe sekarang masih blm kenal juga dan ga berani buat kenalan.
Ya udh sih, cuma mau nulis itu aja..hahaha.


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Thursday, November 01, 201219:13

Maybe i was born with dual personalities. Or maybe i'm not.
Somehow i feel like i lived 2 different world. Well maybe not that different. I just need ro be free.
I cant stand live in a woeld where everything has an edge. I hate living in a world where i have to act like i never did anything wrong or never did anything bitchy.
I envy my friends who can have a free will and free thought. They can choose the way they wanna live. Even if they cant, they can refuse to do that. It's not that i'm not fight hard for what i want. It's just that i feel i have a reaponsibility not to do what i want. Not to have what i need. And stop loving the one i love. I hate my life sometimes.


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now what?

So i decided to go with some new friends last weekend. It wasnt that bad i guess. They're fun. And i had fun with them.
Let aside that fun thingy. Mom asked me about the hangout with these new friends. How many people and as always, how many man in that group.
I picked up with 2 friends of mine and met 1 other girl friend and 6 other boy friends. So the count is: 8 men and 2 women -include me. And mom was shocked. Not suprising. And there she goes -and bro too- said that it's not that good foe me to go out with that large number of man.
I gettig tired with this cycle. Now what mom?


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