Take me away cause falling in love ain't very far
shut up and sit down

I'm loud and moody; can be fun and sucks at the same time.
I party till dawn,
I hangout till dusk.
That's coz...
I'm ME.
And a unique one too.

If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm lovin' it.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
scream your lungs

its easy to clap
Layout : materialisti-c
dear R.
Friday, August 30, 201314:09

I believe we met by fate and i really do hope God lets us see each other for some good reasons. I thank God fot letting me know you and i thank you for every laugh and smile we shared since the first time we talked.
Last words, i hope you're the answer to my prayer and we're really meant to be together.


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I think i love you by the way you make me laugh..
Tuesday, August 27, 201316:12

Di suatu sore dan telepon berbunyi:
X: bisa bicara dgn ibu susyanne
Me: ya sy sendiri
X: sy dr bank bca bu mau menawarkan asuransi
Me: oh engga dulu deh pak makasih
X: ok kl gitu ada 1 pertanyaan lagi bu, bisa tolong dijawab kenapa ibu dipanggil susiz?
Me: ?! *wtf?*

He had a unique way to make me laugh. Hahaha..


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